Schedule your appointment today (443) 624-1610

Energy Clearing

All energy healing is done at a distance by phone or virtually. 

As much as you are a person with a physical body, you also have a spirit within that body. Your spirit needs care and maintenance in the same way your body does. Your spirit body has 7 major energy centers that help you live and function in the world. Those energy centers also help you attract or repel certain life experiences, depending on the health of each one. The energy centers called Chakras are part of what creates your aura. When they become clogged, blocked or start to malfunction, you physically and emotionally feel the effects. Nancy’s energy healing sessions help to clear and heal energy blockages or entities interfering with your energy. If you can say yes to one or more of the following questions, you would likely benefit from a healing session with Nancy:

  • Do you feel weighed down or overwhelmed?

  • Do you feel stuck or like you can’t move forward in your life?

  • Do you feel angry, anxious or depressed?

  • Do you experience a lot of bad luck?

  • Do you feel like you are not able to attract love or positive friendships?

  • Do you feel like your home is haunted?

  • Do you see dark shadows?

  • Do you feel you are being watched?

  • Do you hear strange noises?

  • Are you suffering from unexplained pain?

  • Are you having bad dreams?

  • Are you having sleep problems?

  • Do people react strangely to you?

  • Do you feel others are directing negative energy toward you?

Sessions are completed at my office or at a distance. Sessions are used at the request of the client.

House Blessings

House blessings are beneficial for many reasons. Some reasons are:

  • The energy in your home feels off.

  • There was a death in the home.

  • You are trying to sell your house and it isn’t selling well.

  • There is a lot of discord among the people living in the home.

  • You would like to invite in positive energy and harmony.

  • There were issues like divorce or illness with the previous owners.

  • Your home has paranormal activity, i.e. your television turns on and off by itself…

This clearing works in a similar way to the Energy Healing session.  The sessions are done with the client virtually or by phone. This is done at a distance and is effective. This session heals all occupants of the home and the home itself.

You can reach Nancy by phone at (443) 624-1610, by email book and pay for your session.

Soul Illumination 

Reading, Restoring and Releasing - This is approximately one hour and fifteen minute session which includes and aura drawing, identifies colors and various information Nancy sees in your energy.  It gives insight into the condition of your soul.  It includes a powerful and healing energy clearing.  It describes the condition of your seven major chakras/energy centers and balances your chakras.  It describes soul history influences, soul themes, assists in understanding life lessons and your purpose. 

You can reach Nancy by phone at (443) 624-1610, by email book and pay for your session.

Soul Retrieval

Our spirit/emotional body can frequently help us cope with stress and emotional trauma by detaching. These fragments of ourselves are still a part of us but somewhat detached. As we experience a stressful event, we can in a sense have soul loss/emotional dissociation as a result.  We can often lose our memory, be more susceptible to illness or negative feelings/energy and have difficulty living to our full potential. If you can answer yes to one or more of the following questions, you would likely benefit from a soul retrieval session:

  • Do you feel disconnected or scattered?

  • Do you feel apathetic, anxious or depressed?

  • Do you feel like something is missing?

  • Have you forgotten a portion of your past?

  • Have you been through a lot of trauma or emotional upset?

  • Have you lost a significant loved one?

  • Do you have difficulty remaining focused?

  • Do you a lot of health issues?

  • Do you feel controlled by another person?

  • Are you having a hard time ending a difficult relationship?

  • Do you feel like people keep taking from you emotionally?

  • Do you feel lost or ungrounded?

  • Do you attract negative experiences?

  • When losing someone you loved, did you feel a piece of yourself went with them?

If you have experienced any of those things, consider a consultation for an energy healing session.

You can reach Nancy by phone at (443) 624-1610, by email book and pay for your session.  

Readings with Nancy


Through her intuitive psychic connection, Nancy will guide you on how to improve your life. The direction of the session is based on your goals and what you would like to know about your life.

More About Readings
Energy Healing with Nancy

Energy Healing

As much as you are a person with a physical body, you also have a spirit within that body. Your spirit needs care and maintenance in the same way your body does.

Learn about Energy Healing
Schedule your appointment today
Call (443) 624-1610.

"Nancy played an invaluable role in clearing my home and myself of energies that had been plaguing me for weeks and causing measurable detriment to my sleep, mood, and peace of mind. . . . Her methods have helped invoke a feeling of serenity and light that is nearly palpable, unburdened, and pure within myself and in my home."
Jason R., Hollywood, MD